The prize for the Mr. Hunter Hunt is now out and ready for you to grab at the new LnL store! It is fantastic! A unisex complete outfit with the most amazing texture! For an updated hint, you know the drill, click the red "i" (hint giver) by the hunt posters and have fun exploring the new store! :)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Medieval Fantasy Hunt III prize is out!
The 3rd edition of the Medieval Fantasy Hunt is about to start and LnL is ready! This hunt will already take place in the new store of LnL at Mare Serenitatis. The hunt starts today, December 1, and will last till December 31. Check the hunt blog for hints and store locations. And don't forget to click the red "i" (hint giver) by the hunt posters for an updated hint! Have fun!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Money's ups and downs at the discussion!
Yesterday's discussion at LnL's Lounge was a lot of fun! A small group gathered on Thanksgiving day to talk about the value of money in SL. Money is power. Buyers and sellers relate to each other through money, it can buy us clothes but not beauty, it can buy us luxuries but not happiness. London, the moderator, kick-started the discussion by asking whether SL would be more interesting without its currency. There was a common thought, money makes things fascinating in Second Life, it adds to realism, to the excitement of purchasing things. If there were no money, there wouldn't be any commerce. But what do we really need money for? There are so many freebies. The truth is that money puts the market into gear creating opportunities. These sometimes shape excessive consumerism though... The group then went on to talking about the differences between putting money into SL (Premium accounts) and not doing so (Basic accounts); although Basic accounts allow for quite a comfortable living in SL, Premium ones offer other possibilities. Now, with all this talk about money, it was inevitable to mention the best ways to make money in this virtual world! Buying, selling or renting land, being a musician, a model, a teacher, a counsellor. There are many options, however nowadays it seems to be a lot more difficult to make money than in the past. To end the discussion, London asked what we would do if we had all the Linden dollars in the world! Some said they would give it away in tips or to charities, others said they would buy a whole set of sims! All great plans! :) Time was up! To conclude, money controls many people; the more they have the greedier they get, the less they have, the more they want. The real wealth though is freedom, friendship, health, love. So if you can spare a buck, give a gift to someone you love because that will bring you the best richness there is, HAPPINESS!! Join us next week for a new topic! Thursday at 2pm SLT in LnL's Lounge!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Discussion tonight "What is the value of Money?"

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
New blogger, Nevyn Hammerthal!
LnL is happy to present Nevyn Hammerthal, who has recently started blogging and what a fantastic job he is doing! His aim is to show high quality products in Second Life, all types of styles, free items and hunt prizes. As you can see in his blog Slfashionbynevyn, his posts are very carefully presented. Check Nevyn's work when blogging two of LnL's hunt prizes.
Dark Little Secrets 2 Hunt (above) and the Jerky Turkey Hunt (below).

Friday, November 18, 2011
This discussion was all about looks!
Yesterday, at LnL's Lounge, the weekly discussion took place with a very interesting (as always I must add!) group of attendees. The topic promised to be interesting -- Hey, how do I look?! -- about the way people choose to portrait themselves showing a lot about who we are in Real Life (RL) and expect from SL. The group, under London's lively moderation, started by talking about what determines the way we choose to look in SL. For some it is how they wish they looked in RL, for others the need to express creativity, the places they go to, what they want to do. Just having the possibility to try out change, in all its possible variations, is one of the most captivating features of SL. It was interesting to see that many of the discussers don't feel the need to change all the time, being rather comfortable in one look, while others felt the need to be true shapeshifters, showing different sides of themselves and, in a way, promoting the notion that there is beauty in all types of "looks". The way each resident looks in SL strongly determines their SL experience as it reflects who you are influencing others' reactions towards you. To conclude, "looks" are important, both in SL and in RL. The way we "play" with the possibilities SL puts at our disposal opens the door to fun, entertainment and a bit of reality mixed in it! ;) Join us next week in LnL's Lounge, Thursday at 2pm SLT for a new discussion topic!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Discussion day tomorrow!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Last Thursday's discussion!
"Me. Myself, my avie and I!" was last Thursday's topic at LnL's discussion. For many people, Second Life creates an alternative reality, but is that reality creating a false sense of fulfilment and accomplishment? Are we becoming our avatar, reducing our life to a set of irreal experiences and choosing a dreamlike world over our RL world? Are we real or are we avies? It is true that Second Life could, for some, create a false sense of "reality" and even accomplishment, but it is also a fact that many of SL's residents learn very real new skills through this virtual world, things like interaction, communication, empathy, or simply how to use image manipulation sofwares. After discussing what the concept of "reality", which proved to be extremely complex, a few discussers debated the notion that by being/staying in SL, people got a somewhat irreal notion of who/what they were; some defended that SL is as much a reality as any aspect of RL. Some researchers defend that a large amount of people who access virtual platforms tend to suffer from depression and isolation, yet many of those present felt that that is an image the Media has created; the amount of people who have those conditions is proportional to the same group of people in RL. There is a fine line between avie and RL person. Some try to separate them as much as possible, others get so immersed in who/what their avies are, the way they look, etc. that that overflows into RL. The avatar becomes, in a way, one of many masks (not in a negative way) we wear daily, one possible "face". Our time was up so London concluded the discussion stating that "Second Life can be very attractive, and we can spend a lot of hours enjoying it, but we must never forget that in order to play the game, we first have to be alive, so let's have balance, enjoy both worlds and be as happy as we can be. Everything in the correct dosage is good for our well being!". Join us next week for a new topic, same day, same place, same time - Thursday, LnL Lounge at 2pm SLT!
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Jerky Turkey Hunt starts tomorrow!!
Yay! A new fantastic hunt at LnL!! The Jerky Turkey Hunt starts tomorrow and lasts till mid-December. Check out the cool unisex outfit we have prepared for you! Top, pants, gloves plus a collar and a coat bottom (resizable) and adjusted to the male and the female avatar. An absolutely amazing texture! For an updated hint, click the red "i" (hint giver) by the hunt posters and check the hunt blog. Enjoy!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Two new hunts, two new fantastic unisex prizes!
This week, two new hunts start at LnL, the Menstuff and the Unthemed Hunt! For the Menstuff, we have prepared a fantastic unisex Tshirt in black, longsleeved.
And for the Unthemed Hunt, we created a gorgeous unisex resizable black skully hat, with barbed wire decorations! They do go well together, so don't hesitate to find the two prizes and enjoy them! As you arrive to LnL, click the red "i" (hint giver) by the hunt posters for an updated hint and extra information. Hurry, hurry, and happy hunting!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Something is brewing...!
LnL has been pretty quiet in what new releases are concerned. There is a reason for that! We don't want to reveal too much yet, but there will be news soon! :)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Next Thursday's discussion -- Me. Myself, my avie and I!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011
Last Thursday's discussion was not a ... game!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tomorrow's Discussion "To Game or not to Game!!"

A Treat and Trick discussion last week!

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