✣ LnL Square in Second Life ✣
LnL Square is a group.
LnL Square is a store in Second Life with four collections
-- Main Collection, Gothic Collection, Kimono Collection and Tshirts Collection, plus accessories.
LnL styles go from Gothic, Biker, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Medieval, Oriental, Steampunk, Vampire to Celtic.
LnL Square hosts weekly discussions and inworld parties.
LnL Square is owned by Lizzie Gudkov and London Junkers.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

WOW! New LnL store!!

London and I are happy to announce that the new LnL Store is officially open! London did an extraordinary job building the whole setup for days and days! It looks awesome! The Main Collection and the Gothic Collection are in the main building (on the photo, 1st and 2nd floors) as well as the Tshirt Collection (2nd floor). On the left and right side of the photo, outside, you can see two buildings. This is where the Kimono Collection is! Above and below the store there are a lot of areas you can explore! Above you have the LnL Lounge where we hold our weekly discussions, plus two Gothic Castles and a Cathedral. All areas are public! Below the store you can have fun exploring, and getting lost *evil grin*, in the Gothic Labyrinth of rooms and corridors, lounge areas and secret areas. Also, further down below, you have the Grottos, a fantastic maze of twists and turns with magical corners where you can sit to have a quiet chat with a special one! At ground level (use the teleport system for an easier access), there is the Garden! And wow, it has several romantic areas you can enjoy connected by paths that will help guide you through the whole area. We hope you drop by for a visit... or two, or three! Come on over! We welcome you!


  1. Well done - congratulations Lizzie and London <3

  2. Thanks Paco!! Hope to see you there many times and enjoy some good old laughs!!
